
This e-mail is an attempt at proposing an API to solve Numba's needs.

Attribute access

int PyUFunc_Nin(PyUFuncObject *)

  Replaces ufunc->nin.

int PyUFunc_Nout(PyUFuncObject *)

  Replaces ufunc->nout.

int PyUFunc_Nargs(PyUFuncObject *)

  Replaces ufunc->nargs.

PyObject *PyUFunc_Name(PyUFuncObject *)

  Replaces ufunc->name, returns a unicode object.
  (alternative: return a const char *)

For introspection, the following would be nice too:

int PyUFunc_Identity(PyFuncObject *)

  Replaces ufunc->identity.

const char *PyUFunc_Signature(PyUFuncObject *, int i)

  Gives a pointer to the types of the i'th signature.
  (equivalent today to &ufunc->ntypes[i * ufunc->nargs])

Lifetime control

PyObject *PyUFunc_SetObject(PyUFuncObject *, PyObject *)

  Sets the ufunc's "object" to the given object.  The object has no
  special semantics except that it is DECREF'ed when the ufunc is
  deallocated (this is today's ufunc->obj).  The DECREF should happen
  only after the ufunc has accessed any internal resources (since the
  DECREF could deallocate some of those resources).

PyObject *PyUFunc_GetObject(PyUFuncObject *)

  Return the ufunc's current "object".

Loop registration

int PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForSignature(
    PyUFuncObject* ufunc,
    PyUFuncGenericFunction function, int *arg_types,
    void *data, PyObject *obj)

  Register a loop implementation for the given arg_types (built-in
  types, presumably). This either appends the loop to the types and
  functions array (reallocating it if necessary), or replaces an
  existing one with the same signature.

  A copy of arg_types is done, such that the caller does not have to
  manage its lifetime. The optional "PyObject *obj" is an object which
  gets DECREF'ed when the loop is relinquished (for example when the
  ufunc is destroyed, or when the loop gets replaced with another by
  calling this function again).

I cannot say I'm 100% sure this is sufficient, but this seems it should
cover our current needs.

Note this is a minimal proposal. For example, Numpy could instead decide
to pass and return all argument types as PyArray_Descr pointers rather
than raw integers, and that would probably work for us too.



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