On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 2:32 PM, Matthew Brett <matthew.br...@gmail.com>

> Did you see any remark made by me or Stefan or anyone else that could
> reasonably be described as bizarre, surprising or disheartening?

As I said already, I wasn't referring to you personally, but to the tone of
the thread.  It was the taste that the thread left in my mouth after
reading tens of very long emails, and I guess I wasn't the only one, since
multiple folks used such adjectives.  But it was a poor choice of words on
my part.

And no, I didn't make a quote-by-quote analysis of the thread, I'm sorry.

One last time, it was *not* a personal reference to you: the only reason I
mentioned your names was because of the Berkeley clarification regarding
BIDS that I asked of Travis, that's all.  If that comment hadn't been made,
 I would not have made any mention whatsoever of anyone in particular.  I
apologize for not foreseeing that this would have made you feel singled
out, in retrospect, I should have.

In my mind, it was the opposite, as I felt that you had every right to
express whatever opinions you have speaking for yourselves, independent of
your affiliations, and I was simply asking Travis to separate individuals
from institutions.  But I should have realized that calling anyone out by
name in a context like this is a bad idea regardless.


Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; http://fperez.org)
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