On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 8:15 AM, Matthew Brett <matthew.br...@gmail.com>

> > dropping the dual arch stuff is probably the way to go - the 32-bit
> builds
> > make very little sense these days.
> Yes, that's true, but as you know, the OSX system and Python.org
> Pythons are still dual arch, so technically a matching wheel should
> also be dual arch.

but as they say, practicality beat purity...

It's not clear yet whether 3.6 will be built dual arch at this point, but
in any case, no one is going to go back and change the builds on 2.7 or 3.4
or 3.5 ....

But that doesn't mean we necessarily need to support dual arch downstream.
Personally, I"d drop it and see if anyone screams.

Though it's actually a bit tricky, at least with my knowledge to build a 64
bit only extension against the dual-arch build. At least the only way I
figured out was to hack the install. ( I did this a while back when I
needed a 32bit-only build -- ironic?)

> This doesn't really matter too much imho, we have to support Accelerate
> > either way.

do we? -- so if we go OpenBlas, and someone want to do a simple build from
source, what happens? Do they get accelerate? or would we ship OpenBlas
source itself? or would they need to install OpenBlas some other way?

>> >> Faster to fix bugs with good support from main developer.  No
> >> >> multiprocessing crashes for Python 2.7.

this seems to be the compelling one.

How does the performance compare?



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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