As a general rule I wouldn't worry too much about test speed. Speed is
extremely dependent on exact workloads. And this is doubly so for test
suites -- production workloads tend to do a small number of normal
things over and over, while a good test suite never does the same
thing twice and spends most of its time exercising weird edge
conditions. So unless your actual workload is running the numpy test
suite :-), it's probably not worth trying to track down.

And yeah, numpy does not in general do automatic multithreading -- the
only automatic multithreading you should see is when using linear
algebra functions (matrix multiply, eigenvalue calculations, etc.)
that dispatch to the BLAS.


On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 12:07 AM, Ralf Gommers <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 3:27 AM, Chris Barker - NOAA Federal
> <> wrote:
>>> Now the user is writing back to say, "my test code is fast now, but
>>> numpy.test() is still about three times slower than <some other server we
>>> don't manage>".  When I watch htop as numpy.test() executes, sure enough,
>>> it's using one core
>>> * if numpy.test() is supposed to be using multiple cores, why isn't it,
>>> when we've established with other test code that it's now using multiple
>>> cores?
>> Some numpy.linalg functions (like will be using multiple cores,
>> but np.linalg.test() takes only ~1% of the time of the full test suite.
>> Everything else will be running single core. So your observations are not
>> surprising.
>> Though why it would run slower on one box than another comparable box is a
>> mystery...
> Maybe just hardware config? I see a similar difference between how long the
> test suite runs on TravisCI vs my linux desktop (the latter is slower,
> surprisingly).
> Ralf
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