On May 19, 2008, at 6:27 PM, David Mathog wrote:

> No idea why it thinks it is a Liebert.

It's only looking at the USB vendor ID, and the only Liebert USB UPS  
that we heard about had that vendor ID. (Then again, these may be  
completely different beasts - that UPS had product ID 0xffff, and  
yours is 0x0003.)

Here's the entry from http://www.linux-usb.org/usb.ids :

06da  Phoenixtec Power Co., Ltd
        0002  UPS

Maybe the base driver should be named Phoenixtec instead.

> % /usr/local/ups/bin/usbhid-ups -a MarusonTop -x  productid=0003
> Network UPS Tools: 0.29 USB communication driver - core 0.33 (2.2.2)
> No matching HID UPS found

This could be a permissions problem. (There is no easy way to look at  
all the USB HID devices if we do not have write access to them, and  
the default NUT configuration uses an unprivileged userid to  
communicate with the UPS.)

For now, you can run something like 'chmod a+w /dev/bus/usb/003/010'  
but that isn't very secure, and the last part of the path will change  
every time you unplug the UPS.

You can also change scripts/udev/nut.rules.in to include a line for  
your UPS (search for LIEBERT). Then, run ./config.status, and it will  
regenerate nut.rules. Installation instructions are in scripts/udev/ 

Charles Lepple

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