On Tue, 9 Jul 2019, Charles Lepple wrote:

Can you please run this script to get more information about your setup? I think just gzip'ing the report file should be sufficient to make it small enough to attach to an email reply. (Also, for Ubuntu, you will need to change D="/etc/ups" to D="/etc/nut")


I have reworked this script so that

1. It tries to autodetect where the configuration files and executables are located.

 2. It is easy to add further variations of these directories.

The script is still at the same URL. If you want to include a systemd journal report, you will also need script nut-journal to be found at the same URL. The resulting report when gzipped is about 6KBytes.

I have tested with openSUSE, but I would much appreciate anyone downloading the script and running it on a different operating system. All comments and corrections are very welcome.


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