Something just occurred to me. My kernel does not include USB->Serial code. Long ago, I had to figure out how to build a module for the ch341 USB->Serial adapter I use for running my Heyu home automation system.

I never built one for Cypress and that seems to be what the Belkin is using. I know this because I see a line for it using "lsusb" that disappears if I unplug the UPS.

Using "dmesg|less" and searching for "Cypress" I find a line that says it is on "usb-usb20_host-1.3/input0" and refers to it as a "USB HID v1.00 Device". But the same line does list this as "Cypress Semiconductor USB to Serial".

For the ch341-based USB->Serial I am using for Heyu, I see information about it being attached to ttyUSB0. I see nothing like this for the Cypress.

So I guess I am wondering if this is related to my problem. I have no idea how the blazer_usb driver works.

Thanks again.

On 7/9/2019 7:16 AM, David White wrote:
Hello all and thanks. I read here
while searching around for my issue's resolution. In this I see that
this nut driver is creating and using an entry in /dev (in this case
ttyS0). So I "ll tty*" and see nothing with nut. Since this is a USB
UPS, I suppose I should be looking for something in /dev/ttyUSB*. I have
a single entry there ttyUSB0 but that is created and used by me for
running Heyu for my home automation system.

Any chance I am onto something here?


On 7/8/2019 1:16 PM, Roger Price wrote:
On Mon, 8 Jul 2019, David White wrote:

However I am a bit stumped on monitoring. What I want is to execute a
script when the UPS goes on battery. To do this, I think I have to
have the nut-client running. Is this correct? If so I seem to have
some troulbe.

You need to have nut-monitor.service running. The command

 systemctl list-unit-files | grep nut should report

 nut-driver.service                         static
 nut-monitor.service                        enabled
 nut-server.service                         enabled

plus any "delayed UPS shutdown" service you might use.  nut-driver is
started automatically by systemd whenever nut-server starts.

The command ps -elf | grep -E "nut|ups" should show

 1 S upsd      3096     1 ... /usr/lib/ups/driver/...
 1 S upsd      3100     1 ... /usr/sbin/upsd
 1 S root      3104     1 ... /usr/sbin/upsmon
 5 S upsd      3105  3104 ... /usr/sbin/upsmon


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