On 5/19/20 10:39 AM, Yogesh Bhanu wrote:
Hi Manuel et.al,

Going thru the documentation -- it seems this configuration specific
to blazer_ups.

Kind Regards,

Other drivrs support that option as well. Here is a quote from the same config as before:

        driver = nutdrv_qx
        port = auto

Did you actually test and it failed ?


On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 12:53 PM Manuel Wolfshant
<wo...@nobugconsulting.ro> wrote:
On 5/15/20 12:13 PM, Yogesh Bhanu wrote:
# Is it possible to calculate  /estimate how much time is left when on
battery  ?

When the UPS does not report that, you can ask nut to provide an
estimate by using the runtimecal directive. For instance I have in
ups.conf on a system where I use an Inform low-end UPS:

          runtimecal = 120,100,480,50
          default.battery.voltage.low = 21.2
          default.battery.voltage.high = 27.7

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