I'm a long-time user of APC UPSs and apcupsd, but have been experiencing issues with recent APC units, although I have three BackUPS CS650 units which have had very little issue..

I've recently replaced the APC 1200 unit on my fileserver (running Slackware) with a CyberPower UPS and that appears to be well supported by NUT.

However, I have an APC BX950MI unit which is currently being replaced under warranty.  This unit has never worked well with apcupsd. I understand that changes have recently been incorporated into NUT to handle the BX units.  I have installed NUT onto a Raspberry Pi, running PiOS (Bookworm), but NUT pulled from the PiOS repository is only at v2.8.0, not the latest.  This works okay with the CS650 APC but I fear that it doesn't include the latest BX series fixes. What do I need to do to to get the BX950 working satisfactorily with NUT?  Will an update of the usbhid-ups driver work or do I need the complete NUT v2.8.2 from somewhere?

How can I go about this?

All advice gratefully received.

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