> I looked through the faq, but couldn't find an answer to this.
> I'm trying to configure nut-2.0.4-26 on SuSE linux 10.2.
> In ups.conf, I have
> [myups]
>     driver = belkinunv

This is the wrong driver. You appear to have an UPS with a USB connection,
while belkinunv is for a serial connected one. I think your UPS may be
supported by the newhidups driver, although we've had quite a number of
updates to that driver since nut-2.0.4 came out. You may want to checkout
nut-2.0.5 or (even better) the version available in the SVN trunk (where
newhidups is replaced by the usbhid-ups driver). If you don't know how to
build this, contact me off-list and I'll send you an RPM package for
openSUSE 10.2.

>     port = /dev/undefined

That can be set to 'auto', it is not used for a USB UPS.

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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