> Is it possible/advisable to put NUT into production with newhidups
> running in "exploratory" mode?

I'm probably not the most knowledgable person with regard to the newhidups
driver, but I think something in the line of

    newhidups -u root -x productid=4002 -x vendorid=09ae -a tl6000

might work. If the driver goes into the background, you could try if you
can fire up

    upsd -u root

and see if you're able to read anything from it through


If the latter produces readings from the UPS, you may want to look at what
is written after 'ups.status'. This should read 'OL' (at least) and should
change to 'OB' if you unplug it. In that case, you'd better follow the
instructions from the INSTALL file, with the exception that you need two
additional parameters in ups.conf


If this all works, please let us know and we'll be happy to add this
productid to the list of supported UPSes. No need for bribes.

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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