>> Done. If you pull the latest version from the SVN trunk, the usbhid-ups
>> driver should detect your UPS. Could you let us know if everything works
>> as expected, so that we can add this UPS to the list of supported
>> devices?
> # ./bin/upsc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> battery.charge: 100
> battery.charge.low: 25
> battery.charge.warning: 50
> battery.runtime: 2839
> battery.temperature: 21
> battery.type: PbAc
> battery.voltage: 21.2
> battery.voltage.nominal: 192.0
> driver.name: usbhid-ups
> driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
> driver.parameter.port: auto
> driver.version: 2.1.0
> driver.version.data: TrippLite HID 0.1 (experimental)
> driver.version.internal: 0.30
> input.frequency: 59.9
> input.transfer.high: 140.0
> input.transfer.low: 65.0
> input.voltage: 122.4
> input.voltage.nominal: 120
> output.current: 5.10
> output.frequency: 59.9
> output.frequency.nominal: 60
> output.voltage: 120.0
> output.voltage.nominal: 120
> ups.beeper.status: enabled
> ups.delay.reboot: -1
> ups.delay.restart: 0
> ups.delay.shutdown: -1
> ups.load: 23
> ups.mfr: Tripp Lite
> ups.model: TRIPP LITE UPS
> ups.power: 505.0
> ups.power.nominal: 6000
> ups.productid: 4002
> ups.serial: 9533alcps585700043
> ups.status: OB LB RB
> ups.test.result: 0
> ups.vendorid: 09ae
> The "battery.voltage" vs. "battery.voltage.nominal" weirdness isn't a
> problem with NUT.  The official Tripp-Lite software reports the same
> thing.  I have a feeling that there's an off-by-an-order-of-magnitude
> bug in the UPS firmware.

It looks like it. Probably the battery.voltage reported is actually ten
times higher. Since this a 6000VA device, I wouldn't be surprized at all
if it uses a string of sixteen 12V batteries. In that case, 212V seems a
reasonable battery voltage. We can fix that in NUT though.

> However, I am concerned about the output of "ups.status".  Would I be
> correct in assuming that those codes stand for "On Battery", "Low
> Battery" and "Replace Battery", respectively?


> It's pretty clear from the other data points that the battery charge is
> not low, and since the UPS is only a few months old, I can't see why the
> batteries should need replacement.

My first impression is, that all these parameters are in reversed logic,
which is weird. Do you have a chance to switch off the mains to the UPS
for a while (without causing too much grief to the systems it is powering)
to see if at least the LB indication turns to OL? If so, the others are
probably reversed as well. Again, we can fix this in the driver, but we
need to be sure that this actually is the case. For the moment, don't use
upsmon, since it will probably powerdown your system immediately.

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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