> I can only suggest to try running
> megatec_usb -a <ups_name>
> (with some -D options probably) to ensure that it does the same thing as
> upsdrvctl...
> The worst thing is that '-D' option of upsdrvctl doesn't actually
> show debug info...

That's by design. Using 'upsdrvctl' implies backgrounding a driver, which
is obviously not what you want when you want it to run in debug mode.
Imagine that you want to change the command line parameters (to raise or
lower the debug level for instance). Finding how to stop the backgrounded
process is a pain then and will sure result in many questions from users
that have no idea how to send such a process a kill signal.

If you're just interested in the debug output, running

    <drivername> -DDDDD -a <upsname>

is not that difficult to remember.

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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