> Belkin F6C1200-UNV on Ubuntu 7.04, megatec_usb driver,
> Every few minutes I get a beep and a "UPS not available" message that
> seems to be bogus; upsc reports real data, not at complaint that it's
> stale.

What's in the logfiles? Is this message generated by the driver, the
server or the client?

> Is there some timeout I need to lengthen?

Maybe, but then we first need to know where the timeout originates.
Chances are this is in the driver, but without information from the system
logs and/or debug information it is hard to tell.

> Also, shouldn't upsc report the poll time associated with the data
> it displays?

Which poll time?

The value of 'driver.parameter.pollinterval' will be displayed by 'upsc'
provided it is not too old. This value can be changed through the
'pollinterval' parameter in 'ups.conf' (see 'man 5 ups.conf'). The default
of 2 seconds may be a little too fast if the UPS is slow to respond and/or
lots of data need to be transferred.

Also, the megatec driver will declare the UPS stale if it misses a single
status poll. That may be a little too strict, so you may need to allow for
missing one or two polls before declaring it stale, to allow for temporary
communication problems when the system is too busy. Look for
'dstate_datastale()' in 'drivers/megatec.c'.

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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