Citeren benjamin thielsen <>:

working voltage graph:

    driver = usbhid-ups
    port = auto


battery.voltage: 27.7
battery.voltage.nominal: 24.0

This looks normal.

non-working voltage graph:

    driver = snmp-ups
    port = ups4
    community = xxxxxxxxxx
    snmp_version = v1
    pollfreq = 5


battery.voltage: 55.00
battery.voltage.nominal: 0.00

But here we have located the problem. A 'battery.voltage.nominal' equal to zero will mean that the calculated 'battery.voltage.minimum' and 'battery.voltage.maximum' will both be zero. This results in a divide by zero error in the range calculation. You can work around this by adding

      override.battery.voltage.nominal = 48

in 'ups.conf' for these drivers. This will make them ignore the reported value from the UPS and use the correct nominal value. You can also set

      default.battery.voltage.minimum = 38.4
      default.battery.voltage.maximum = 55.2

to preset the minimum and maximum voltage range of the battery, since neither are reported by the UPS.

What remains is the question if this is a problem in the snmp-ups driver or the UPS. I honestly don't know.

Best regards, Arjen
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