Citeren Charles Lepple <>:

could this be a result of setting pollfreq too low?

If this is not how pollfreq works, then I stand corrected - but if the device is fully polled once every 30 seconds, and a power outage occurs in that 30-second window, I would think that NUT would get an interrupt report.

In between full polls, we do quick polls every 'pollinterval' (default: 2 seconds) to retrieve some info should the UPS not provide interrupt reports. Only NUT variables with the HU_FLAG_QUICK_POLL will be retrieved then, which typically means that we only need to refresh two or three reports (since status bits are usually aggregated in one or two reports), which limits the load to the UPS.

Setting the pollfreq to 5 seconds is counter productive here, since this will only increase the amount of reports to retrieve (which is something some UPS devices can't handle), while the things Justin is interested in will already be polled every 2 seconds anyway.

Best regards, Arjen
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