On Sep 24, 2011, at 5:48 AM, Tim Gould wrote:

Apologies for resurrecting an old thread and likely poor formatting - I wasn't subscribed to the list at the time and have copied it out of the archives (http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut-upsuser/2010-July/006104.html ).

No problem. Thanks for linking to the old threads.

I've checked out trunk and there seems to be no progress there. I'm happy to help debugging the driver, is there still some way we can progress this?

One difference that isn't as obvious in the latest code is in the debug output. We changed the "Value:" format from fixed-width to automatic decimal/scientific notation, so we should be able to see if the "ACPresent" values are truly 0, or just 1e-7 (which would have looked like 0.000000).

The fun part will be finding a heuristic that determines whether the exponents are wrong. Unfortunately, the two Liebert models have the same USB product/vendor ID pair.

Tue Jul 13 19:54:03 UTC 2010
Citeren Michelle Wright <michelle.wright op gmail.com>:

> $ sudo /lib/nut/usbhid-ups -DDD -a maxfun
> Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.34 (2.4.3)
> USB communication driver 0.31
Can you stop the original driver, and re-run it as indicated above? Debug level 3 (as shown) should be sufficient. You can add something like "| tee /tmp/liebert-`date -I`.txt" to log to both the screen and a log file.

After the driver gets into the polling loop, press Ctrl-C. Please gzip the log and attach it to your reply.


>   0.350081     Report[buf]: (2 bytes) => 07 0d
> 0.350095 Path: UPS.PowerSummary.PresentStatus.ACPresent, Type:
> Feature, ReportID: 0x07, Offset: 2, Size: 1, Value: 0.000000
>   0.350106     Report[buf]: (2 bytes) => 07 0d
> 0.350120 Path: UPS.PowerSummary.PresentStatus.ACPresent, Type:
> Input, ReportID: 0x07, Offset: 2, Size: 1, Value: 0.000000

Although I didn't expect otherwise, the UPS is reporting that AC is
not present (that's why you see NUT reporting OB instead of OL). Try
if these value change to '1.000000' if you unplug the mains.
I tried this - unfortunately no they do not. I get this with power disconnected:
   0.422018     Report[buf]: (2 bytes) => 07 0d
0.422034 Path: UPS.PowerSummary.PresentStatus.ACPresent, Type: Feature, ReportID: 0x07, Offset: 2, Size: 1, Value: 0.000000
   0.422046     Report[buf]: (2 bytes) => 07 0d
0.422061 Path: UPS.PowerSummary.PresentStatus.ACPresent, Type: Input, ReportID: 0x07, Offset: 2, Size: 1, Value: 0.000000

With the upsd and upsmon running, I get a console message that I'm on battery which stays that way regardless of whether the AC is connected or not.

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