On 11/08/2012 20:15, Martyn Hill wrote:

WITH attachment, this time...
On 11/08/2012 20:13, Martyn Hill wrote:
On 11/08/2012 19:01, Arnaud Quette wrote:

2012/8/11 Martyn Hill <martyn.joseph.h...@gmail.com <mailto:martyn.joseph.h...@gmail.com>>

    On 10/08/2012 22:27, Arnaud Quette wrote:

        As I mentioned above I've now got it to 2.6.4, and have a
        new message;

        [crees@pegasus]/usr/local/libexec/nut% sudo ./blazer_usb -a
        zigor -DDDDDDDDDDDDD
        Network UPS Tools - Megatec/Q1 protocol USB driver 0.08
        (2.6.4-Unversioned directory)
           0.000000     debug level is '13'
           0.001081     Checking device (0001/0000)
           0.001688     - VendorID: 0001
           0.001694     - ProductID: 0000
           0.001697     - Manufacturer: unknown
           0.001701     - Product: unknown
           0.001705     - Serial Number: unknown
           0.001708     - Bus: /dev/usb
           0.001712     Trying to match device
           0.001717     Device matches
           0.001737     send_to_all: SETINFO ups.vendorid "0001"
           0.001744     send_to_all: SETINFO ups.productid "0000"
           0.001751     send_to_all: SETINFO device.type "ups"
           0.001758     send_to_all: SETINFO driver.version
           0.001764     send_to_all: SETINFO
        driver.version.internal "0.08"
           0.001770     send_to_all: SETINFO driver.name
        <http://driver.name> "blazer_usb"
           0.001775     Trying megatec protocol...
           0.001786     send: Q1
           0.002191     read: Unknown error
           0.002242     Permissions problem: Input/output error

    damn BSD USB stack. is it the "new" or the "old" (I may totally
    be off topic!)

    My FreeBSD 8 appears to be running/linking against libusb20 -
    the 'new' one...

you mean libusb1.0? with libusb-compat?
NUT USB drivers are still on 0.1, and need to be ported to 1.0.
this may be (part of) the problem!


can you please post back the list of libs linked.

    it's not answering at all for now! the I/O error is initial.
    you should try using "export USB_DEBUG=3", which will enable
    libusb debug.

    I've just seen that Martin has sent more data... jumping on
    this mail.


    I'll also try this and see what it reveals...

Can't see any debug output, but am probably misunderstanding something...

I've very (very very!) quickly looked at the snoop...
can you send me an "lsusb -v -d0001:0000".

Attached within archive as 'lsusb.txt'

another interesting test would be with usbhid-ups:
- add the following in ups.conf
                   driver = usbhid-ups
                   port = auto
                   vendorid = 0001
                   productid = 0000

- and launch the driver:
$ /path/to/usbhid-ups -DDDDD -a <ups.conf devname>

Attached within archive as 'usbhid-ups_test.txt'...

as told previously, compress the archive if needed, to stay under the 40 Kb limit.


"There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary and those 
who don't."

"There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary and those 
who don't."

"There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary and those 
who don't."

Attachment: usbhid-ups_test_and_lsusb.rar
Description: Binary data

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