2012/10/21 Ivo Karabojkov <karaboj...@kit.bg>

>  Hi, Arnaud!

Hi Ivo,

As my ESV8+ woprks now I produced two debug outputs - before and after
> applying the patch.

both outputs shows that everything is fine, which is not fully satisfactory
to me.

> In the next few days I'll do my best to send outputs with Pulsar ES11 and
> EL.
> I remember with the original (non-patched) driver ES11  didn't work well
> and driver issued messages "could not get multtiplier table, using raw
> readings".

I've seen your further post. the msg you mention is nothing but normal.
what is (was) not is the behavior your unit had previously, and the fact
that the driver was not recovering.
I suspect that it was in echo mode. i.e, the unit once only received a
single "Z"

the patch can only improve the situation, since it's back near to the
previous implementation (at least for the ZZ), and more complying to the
UTalk spec (WRT timing).

that said, I would still like to hear from Martin and his ESV8 (not a +).

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