Dear List, I'm trying to perform an automatic server shutdown and restart with NUT 2.6.3, openSUSE 12.2 and an Eaton Eco 1600. The server shutdown works but there is no automatic restart when wall power returns. Unlike successful tests with earlier versions of openSUSE, the UPS unit is never switched off. It goes on beeping for as long as I let it.

When I pulled the plug from the wall socket, after two warnings based on timers, the server shut down. However the UPS unit did not switch off. I did not hear the familiar "clunk" after a short wait. Here is the trace of the dying minutes in /var/log/messages. There is no message indicating an instruction to the UPS unit to switch off.

Oct 25 16:09:46 maria upsmon[3078]: UPS Eaton-66781@localhost: On battery +++ 
Onduleur sur batterie
Oct 25 16:09:46 maria upssched[3544]: Timer daemon started
Oct 25 16:09:46 maria upssched[3544]: New timer: ups-on-battery-timer2 (5 
Oct 25 16:09:46 maria upssched[3544]: New timer: ups-on-battery-timer3 (65 
Oct 25 16:09:46 maria upssched[3544]: New timer: ups-on-battery-timer4 (125 
Oct 25 16:09:51 maria upssched[3544]: Event: ups-on-battery-timer2
Oct 25 16:09:51 maria upssched-cmd[3546]: Calling upssched-cmd 
Oct 25 16:09:51 maria upssched-cmd[3549]: Shutdown timer 2 warning, OB DISCHRG 
Oct 25 16:10:51 maria upssched[3544]: Event: ups-on-battery-timer3
Oct 25 16:10:51 maria upssched-cmd[3557]: Calling upssched-cmd 
Oct 25 16:10:51 maria upssched-cmd[3560]: Shutdown timer 3 warning, OB DISCHRG 
Oct 25 16:11:51 maria upssched[3544]: Event: ups-on-battery-timer4
Oct 25 16:11:51 maria upssched-cmd[3564]: Calling upssched-cmd 
Oct 25 16:11:51 maria upssched-cmd[3567]: Shutdown timer reached: Calling 
upsmon -c fsd, OB DISCHRG 85%
Oct 25 16:11:51 maria upsmon[3078]: Signal 10: User requested FSD
Oct 25 16:11:51 maria upsd[3074]: Client upsmaster@ set FSD on UPS 
Oct 25 16:11:51 maria upsmon[3078]: Executing automatic power-fail shutdown
Oct 25 16:11:51 maria upsmon[3078]: Auto logout and shutdown proceeding +++ 
Arret automatique en cours
Oct 25 16:11:56 maria systemd-shutdow[3573]: Creating /run/nologin, blocking 
further logins...
Oct 25 16:11:56 maria rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="5.10.0" 
                                x-info="";] exiting on 
signal 15.

The UPS unit goes on beeping. When I reconnect to the wall socket, the beeping stops, but no server restart. Yes, the BIOS is set up for automatic restart on power return.

I re-ran the test with the upsd -DD debug option. After editing out a lot of repetition, the /var/log/messages trace is 154 lines, visible at . I see no sign of a command to the UPS to switch off.

I started a trace of the driver usbhid-ups with the commands

 killall usbhid-ups
 /usr/lib/ups/driver/usbhid-ups -D -a Eaton-66781 >> /tmp/usbhid-ups.trace 2>&1

and then pulled the power plug from the wall, and waited until the server had shut down. This produced 352 lines of trace which you can see at . There is no sign of an instruction to switch off the UPS unit.

My skill as a C programmer is limited to owning a copy of K&R, but looking at drivers/usbhid-ups.c, I'm guessing that upsdrv_shutdown should perform a shutdown.return to switch off the UPS or return an error message, but this doesn't seem to happen. Am I looking in the right place? Any hint on debugging this would be welcome.


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