On 05/01/2013, at 1:23, Thomas Laus <lau...@acm.org> wrote:
> I want to send an email to my cellphone only for significant UPS events that 
> involve starting the generator and want to ignore short duration events.
> My upssched.conf:
> CMDSCRIPT /usr/local/bin/upssched-cmd
> PIPEFN /var/db/nut/upssched/upssched.pipe
> LOCKFN /var/db/nut/upssched/upssched.lock
> AT ONBATT * START-TIMER upsbatt 30
> AT LOWBATT * EXECUTE ups-low-batt
> My CMDSCRIPT /usr/local/bin/upssched-cmd:
> #!/bin/sh
> case $1 in
>        upsbatt)
>                echo "The UPS has been on battery for awhile" \
>                | mail -s"UPS monitor" me@testhost.local
>                ;;
>        ups-low-batt)
>                echo "The UPS has a low battery condition" \
>                | mail -s"UPS monitor" me@testhost.local
>                ;;
>        *)
>                logger -t upssched-cmd "Unrecognized command: $1"
>                ;;
> esac
> I tested the configuration last week before deployment by pulling the plug on 
> the UPS.  The syslog and wall notify commands work, but no email was 
> generated nor any entries in my maillog.

What about if you use the full path for mail? I don't know about the 
environment used - if it is very restrictive the mail executable might not be 

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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