> What about if you use the full path for mail? I don't know about the
> environment used - if it is very restrictive the mail executable might not be
> found.
I can 'su' to the FreeBSD nutuser, uucp, and execute the upssched-cmd script 
upsbatt argument with that username.  Mail from uucp gets sent by my system 
and is received on my cellphone.  I also checked the environment for the 
path, it is till the BSD default and doesn't have any additional 

My problem looks to be in how upsmon spawns the upssched program when the 
NOTIFYFLAG is triggered.  That was the reason that I asked the group on the 
method to call upssched when running as the uucp user separate from getting 
called by upsmon.  I already know that the UPS on battery flag is set because 
I get a 'wall' message and an entry in syslog.  No mail gets sent and I want 
to narrow down what is happening by giving the timer lots of time and look 
for the lock and pipe file creation and processes running with some debug 
flags set.  I would rather not keep pulling the plug to the UPS to put it on 

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