> On Feb 13, 2013, at 8:08 PM, Kris Jordan wrote:
>> Now try without explore, but with vendor still set and see if the driver 
>> will start normally.
> I was just looking at that code - I have a feeling that it won't match. The 
> USB code returns POSSIBLY_SUPPORTED if the vendor ID matches a known model 
> (but the product ID doesn't). The "explore" mode is meant to match anything, 
> once you provide an ID to pick which device to poke.

You are right, it didn't work without explore. The driver doesn't find a

> Kilian: you mentioned Debian. Did you build NUT from source, or are you using 
> .debs?
> Even if it's .debs, there is a way to rebuild just the driver, and 
> temporarily install that over the one from the .deb.

I installed NUT using the debian wheezy repository. So i did not build
it myself.

What would be the advantage from rebuilding the driver?

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