On Apr 14, 2013, at 2:02 PM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

> On 13.04.13 14:58, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
>> as seen on my home PC: http://test.fantomas.sk/pc_lsusb-vvv-d_0463:ffff
>> I will try to get output on my home NAS (ARM architecture)
> here it is: http://test.fantomas.sk/nas_lsusb-vvv-d_0463
> While it seems that the USB data are broken, both QNAP NAS firmware and debian
> squeeze can handle it. 
> But that is still an issue of libusb,not NUT, correct?
> I can upgrade openwrt on my router ...

It does seem that it is a libusb-1.0 issue, yes. They may not be aware of it, 
though (since it probably only comes up when dealing with broken USB 
descriptors like on your UPS). Before bothering to upgrade, check to see if 
they have a newer libusb-1.0, and then we can see if they might have fixed this.

Are there any test tools that come with libusb-1.0? The libusb-0.1 source tree 
had a tool that was like a miniature lsusb: it would print some descriptor 
information, but not much else. I don't know if many distributions packaged 
that. If there is such a tool for 1.0, that would make a great test case to 
confirm that the problem is in libusb-1.0.

Charles Lepple

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