So when the UPS is communicating with the driver... it seems to work.  Problem 
is now that it keeps disconnecting.  Any recommendation on how to keep the 
drivers from disconnecting using the usb_set_altinterface?  (PS.  Is there a 
specific value to use?)  Or this confirms there is an issue with the usbhid-ups 
driver with the FreeBSD 10.2 kernel?
upsc upstl1300
battery.charge: 100
battery.charge.low: 10
battery.charge.warning: 30
battery.runtime: 709
battery.type: PbAC
battery.voltage: 0.0
battery.voltage.nominal: 24.0
device.type: ups
driver.flag.usb_set_altinterface: enabled usbhid-ups
driver.parameter.pollfreq: 30
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 15
driver.parameter.port: /dev/ugen0.5
driver.parameter.productid: 3016
driver.parameter.synchronous: no
driver.version: 2.7.3 TrippLite HID 0.81
driver.version.internal: 0.39
input.frequency: 5990.0
input.transfer.high: 150.0
input.transfer.low: 92.0
input.voltage: 0.0
input.voltage.nominal: 120
output.current: 260.00
output.frequency: 5990.0
output.frequency.nominal: 60
output.voltage: 0.0
output.voltage.nominal: 120
ups.beeper.status: enabled
ups.delay.shutdown: 20
ups.delay.start: 30
ups.load: 40
ups.power: 288.0
ups.power.nominal: 1300
ups.productid: 3016
ups.status: OL
ups.timer.reboot: 65535
ups.timer.shutdown: 65535
ups.timer.start: 65535
ups.vendorid: 09ae
ups.watchdog.status: 0

     On Tuesday, August 18, 2015 5:44 AM, Charles Lepple <> 

 On Aug 17, 2015, at 11:56 AM, Johnny Wong <> wrote:
> > What does that revision number correspond to in FreeBSD release numbers? 
> > (e.g. 9.3, 10.0)
> FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE #0 r286738M

Okay, thanks. I think this is the first report of FreeBSD 10.2, so hopefully it 
is not an issue inherent in the OS. I will see if I can upgrade one of my 
machines to test with another UPS brand.

> the last person probably wasn't able to give the ./configure probably because 
> most people uses the precompiled iso to install NAS4Free.  if you need the 
> ./configure I might have to look for their source on GitHub or something.

True, most people won't need to know the ./configure parameters. It looks like 
you found the driver path and the UPS name, so we're set for now. However, if 
you run across that part of the source code, it might be useful for later in 
case we need to rebuild a driver.

> /usr/local/libexec/nut/usbhid-ups -a upstl1300 -DDD
> Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.39 (2.7.3)
> USB communication driver 0.32
>    0.000000    debug level is '3'
>    0.006296    upsdrv_initups...
>  0.013551    Checking device (09AE/3016) (/dev/usb//dev/ugen0.5)
>    0.278818    - VendorID: 09ae
>    0.278835    - ProductID: 3016
>    0.278843    - Manufacturer: unknown
>    0.278852    - Product: unknown
>    0.278859    - Serial Number: unknown
>    0.278867    - Bus: /dev/usb
>    0.278876    Trying to match device
>    0.278925    Device matches
>    0.278937    nut_usb_set_altinterface: skipped usb_set_altinterface(udev, 0)

Just for grins, can you try adding "usb_set_altinterface" to the ups.conf 
section for your UPS, and see if that changes this part of the log? (That is, 
after "[upstl1300]").

>    0.306126    HID descriptor, method 1: (9 bytes) => 09 21 11 01 00 01 22 6e 
>    0.306148    HID descriptor, method 2: (9 bytes) => 09 21 11 01 00 01 22 6e 
>    0.306156    HID descriptor length 878
>    5.279939    Unable to get Report descriptor: Input/output error

My other concern is that FreeBSD might not allow the method that we use to 
retrieve the Report Descriptor.

What do the following commands return (need to run them as root)?

usbconfig -u 0 -a 5 dump_device_desc
usbconfig -u 0 -a 5 dump_curr_config_desc
usbconfig -u 0 -a 5 do_request 0x81 0x06 0x2200 0 0x100

(I'm guessing on "-u 0 -a 5" based on .../dev/ugen0.5 -- that might change if 
the UPS USB cable is unplugged and re-inserted.)

> cat /var/etc/ups.conf
> [upstl1300]
>        driver = usbhid-ups
>        port = auto
>        pollfreq = 30
>        productid = 3016
> Let me know what other information is required, I'll try my best to obtain it.

Thanks for sending ups.conf. That's all I can think of for now.

Charles Lepple

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