I changed the driver from blazer_usb to nutdrv_qx, by editing /etc/nut/ups.conf.
To apply changes, I did:

# service nut-server restart
# service nut-client restart

Then I've run a second test, this time simpler than the first one described in my previous email; the test only consists in toggling off/on a wall switch which controls power to the UPS. This way, electric ground remains attached. I've run a shorter test because I had already experimented with the nutdrv_qx driver some days ago and I noticed error messages appearing as soon as the power was switched off.

** THE TEST **

The test begins with the computer powered on and the UPS battery fully charged.
The procedure:

TIME [s]        ACTION
0               computer is on, UPS fully charged. I switch off the power
15              I switch on the power
25              UPS LEDs indicate the battery has fully recharged

** THE LOGS **

After this, I return upstairs at my monitor and check the logs via SSH.
An excerpt taken from /var/log/syslog at the time I run the test shows:

Oct  6 19:03:07 debianBunker upsmon[3115]: UPS myups@localhost on battery
Oct 6 19:03:07 debianBunker upsd[2946]: Instant command: admin@ did shutdown.return with value "360" on myups
Oct  6 19:03:07 debianBunker nutdrv_qx[2936]: instcmd(shutdown.return, 360)
Oct  6 19:03:07 debianBunker nutdrv_qx[2936]: instcmd: FAILED
Oct  6 19:03:22 debianBunker upsmon[3115]: UPS myups@localhost on line power
Oct 6 19:03:22 debianBunker upsd[2946]: Instant command: admin@ did shutdown.stop on myups
Oct  6 19:03:22 debianBunker nutdrv_qx[2936]: instcmd(shutdown.stop, [NULL])
Oct  6 19:03:25 debianBunker nutdrv_qx[2936]: instcmd: FAILED

When some days ago I did run a full shutdown test with this nutdrv_qx driver, the practical result was the same as with blazer_usb: after 3 minutes of running on UPS batteries, the computer shut down in a controlled manner, then it remained off because the UPS didn't obey to (or didn't receive) the "shutdown.return" command, which should force the UPS to briefly interrupt power to the computer, allowing it to restart.

-- Davide

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