
I'm configuring the NUT package which comes with CentOS 7.X:

nut.x86_64                              2.7.2-3.el7                        @epel
nut-client.x86_64                       2.7.2-3.el7                        @epel

I've configured NUT based on the instructions found on this page:


which worked, except for one problem. When starting the services (nut-server, 
the /var/run/nut directory is not created, and so the service fails to start.

If I create the directory manually, using the following commands, I can get the 
to start, but upon re-boot, the directory is gone and the services fail to 
start again:

mkdir /var/run/nut
chown root:nut /var/run/nut
chmod 770 /var/run/nut
restorecon -v /var/run/nut

I searched and it seems the issue is that /var/run is on a temporary 
filesystem, so stuff
created there do not survive a reboot.

To work around the problem, I've created a start-up script 
(/usr/local/sbin/rc.local) and
create the directory there. This seems to work, but I'm thinking there is 
something wrong
or missing in my configuration.

What is the correct fix?


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