Stuart Gathman writes:

On 04/07/2017 09:15 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> Charles Lepple writes:
>> Full gory details here:
> This particular new unit came with its own USB cable, and this unit is
> plugged into a relatively old server. The motherboard is about ten
> years old.
I also had this problem with this unit.  My hacky solution solution is

I'm convinced that the USB interface on these units is braindead -
despite their other excellent qualities (excellent handling of
outages).  Many other people have the same problem with this unit,
including Windows users with the supplied proprietary monitoring
software, so I think it is hardware.

What would be the symptoms of this that I would be seeing? I don't see anything in syslog, only usbhid-ups getting a periodic timeout, but each time it successfully reconnects via USB.

It is not entirely unprecedented for manufacturers to quitely fix defects in their hardware, then simply continue to ship it as the same model. It's been about a week since this unit has been plugged in, with the only issue being these usbhid-ups timeouts, which it now apparently recovers from it.

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