On 04/08/2017 08:08 AM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> Stuart Gathman writes:
>> I also had this problem with this unit.  My hacky solution solution is
>> here: https://github.com/sdgathman/trippfix
> What would be the symptoms of this that I would be seeing? I don't see
> anything in syslog, only usbhid-ups getting a periodic timeout, but
> each time it successfully reconnects via USB.
The main symptom in my unit is that the UPS drops off the USB bus
entirely, not responding in any way, not even rebooting the host helps. 
However, unplugging the USB cable resets the USB interface on the UPS,
and it then starts working again for some random number of days.   My
work around lets the host reset the UPS by removing power from the port
- electronically unplugging the USB cable.

> It is not entirely unprecedented for manufacturers to quitely fix
> defects in their hardware, then simply continue to ship it as the same
> model. It's been about a week since this unit has been plugged in,
> with the only issue being these usbhid-ups timeouts, which it now
> apparently recovers from it.
You know it.  It's especially annoying when they use a completely
different chipset on a USB device, and expect it to be no problem
because it ships with new Windows drivers...

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