> > root@artu:~# upsc Elit@artu
> > Init SSL without certificate database
> > battery.voltage: 13.90
> > battery.voltage.high: -1.08
> > battery.voltage.low: -0.87
> > device.type: ups
> > driver.name: blazer_usb
> > driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
> > driver.parameter.port: auto
> > driver.version: 2.7.2
> > driver.version.internal: 0.11
> > input.frequency: 50.0
> > input.voltage: 228.7
> > input.voltage.fault: 140.0
> > output.voltage: 226.5
> > ups.beeper.status: enabled
> > ups.delay.shutdown: 30
> > ups.delay.start: 180
> > ups.load: 16
> > ups.productid: 0000
> > ups.status: OL
> > ups.temperature: 30.0
> > ups.type: offline / line interactive
> > ups.vendorid: ffff
> Glad it works.

​Yep! :)​

> > I have also successfully tested the battery...
> >
> >  upscmd -uadmin -pups Elit@artu test.battery.start.quick
> I would also recommend testing the shutdown procedure and making sure
> that everything works as expected on power failures.
> Please, let us know the results of these tests, so that we can add a
> more informed report about your device to our library
> (http://networkupstools.org/ddl/).

​Nice, I would like to test it, but if I don't have battery runtime value
and / or battery charge, how may I test it correctly?
I have seen also some strange values for battery.voltage.high and
battery.voltage.low....are they correct?


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