Doug Cutting wrote:
TDLN wrote:
I mean, how do others keep uptodate with the main codeline? Do you
advice updating everyday?
Should we make a 0.8.0 release soon? What features are still missing
that we'd like to get into this release?
I think we should make a release soon - instabilities related to Hadoop
split are mostly gone now, and we need to endorse the new architecture
more officially...
The "adaptive fetch" and "scoring API" functionality are the top
priority for me. While the scoring API change is pretty innocuous, we
just need to clean it up, the adaptive fetch changes have a big
potential for wrecking the main re-fetch cycle ... ;)
We could do it in two ways: I could apply this patch and let people run
with it for a while, fixing bugs as they pop up - but then it will be
another 3-4 weeks I suppose. Or we could wait with this after the release.
Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki <><
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