
Andrzej Bialecki wrote:
Hi all,

I know it's a trivial issue, but still ... When this release is out, I propose that we should name the next release 1.0.0, and not 0.10.0. The effect is purely psychological, but it also reflects our confidence in the platform.

I think that a 1.0 release signifies maturity. And while I think there are areas that Nutch can and will improve, I think that it has reached the necessary maturity level.

Many Open Source projects are afraid of going to 1.0.0 and seem to be unable to ever reach this level, as if it were a magic step beyond which they are obliged to make some implied but unjustified promises ... Perhaps it's because in the commercial world everyone knows what a 1.0.0 release means :) The downside of the version numbering that never reaches 1.0.0 is that casual users don't know how usable the software is - e.g. Nutch 0.10.0 could possibly mean that there are still 90 releases to go before it becomes usable.

Personally, I don't like the x.10.x > release structure. I guess I think that if you can't get what you need done in 10 releases x.0.x - x.9.x then some rework needs to be done. Think about this, eclipse is still only on 3.2.2 / 3.3 and they use this type of structure.

Therefore I propose the following:

* shorten the release cycle, so that we can make a release at least once every quarter. This was discussed before, and I hope we can make it happen, especially with the help of new forces that joined the team ;)

I agree.

* call the next version 1.0.0, and continue in increments of 0.1.0 for each bi-monhtly or quarterly release,

I agree with bi-monthly or monthly. I think quarterly is too long especially considering how fast Hadoop is moving.

* make critical bugfix / maintenance releases using increments of 0.0.1 - although the need for such would be greatly diminished with the shorter release cycle.

Yes but some bug fixes will still be necessary even with shortened release cycles.

* once we arrive at versions greater than x.5.0 we should plan for a big release (increment of 1.0.0).

I am fine having 10 releases x.0 - x.9 per major release. Maybe I don't understand the reason for limiting it to 5 other than. If we do a release every month or so then about once a year we should have a major X release.

* we should use only single digits for small increments, i.e. limit them to values between 0-9.


What do you think?

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