Hi all,

I'd also like to ping any other crawler dev groups that are active and potentially interested in the MeetUp.

So far it's just Nutch, Droids, Heritrix, and Bixo. But there are many more, e.g. lists from:


Any input on additional communities to invite?


-- Ken

On Aug 3, 2009, at 10:27am, Andrzej Bialecki wrote:

Ken Krugler wrote:
I added a page to the Nutch wiki at http://wiki.apache.org/nutch/ApacheConUs2009MeetUp , with some ideas for discussion topics.
Please take a look and add/comment, thanks.

Thanks Ken, this looks really good. If there's any possibility to move this closer to Tuesday it would be better IMHO.
Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><

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