I use Wifi for WLAN services at work and home. When I am somewhere with free wifi or wifi via company remote access plan I will use that. If all else fails I pull out my Verizon EVDO card. So basically I won't pay extra to use Wifi since I always have my EVDO card available with a flat rate plan paid by my company.

- Dustin -

Ben N. Serebin wrote:

Hello Bob,

        Interesting to hear this... Sprint and EVDO. Funny NYC is on
round 2 of cities for deployment. I would be impressed if Sprint lit up
cities so quickly.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert Kim Wireless Internet Advisor
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 12:04 PM
To: Dana Spiegel
Cc: nycwireless@lists.nycwireless.net
Subject: [nycwireless] Sprint Announces EVDO. Wifi Shootout While EVDO goes Nationwide.

Dana, Hi... Sprint just announced that they will "announce" Nationwide EVDO Coverage. What do see the market migration potential being from wifi to evdo? Ironic timing in light of the WIFI Shootout no? Looks like Verizon n Sprint will have a shootout of their own... AND against WIFI too...

Anyone know stats on number of folks who own computers VS laptops VS use WIFI???

It'd be fun to see how much market share EVDO skims off the top of WIFI and who will stay firm in the wifi trench till wimax gets big.

If you're interested, i put up a quick report about Sprint Vs. Verizon EVDO at http://wirelessinternetcoverage.com

But, personally, i'd love to know who and WHEN the biggest part of the wifi to evdo market migration will happen... thoughts?

lemme know.. thanks! bob

On 6/14/05, Dana Spiegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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