Dustin Goodwin scribbled on Tuesday, September 13, 2005 11:11 AM:
> NYCwireless is looking for NYC residents that think they are receiving
> interference from neighboring wireless access points. We are going to
> bring over diagnostic equipment. and see what the situation really is.
> We hear this complaint often enough that we want to get solid answers
> on what is happening in NYC. Please shoot me an email with the
> description of your problem and I will let you know if we are going
> to include your location in the effort. One way to "see" interference
> is to bring up the list of wireless networks your computer can
> detect. If your getting a list of 5 or more wireless networks then
> *maybe* your suffering interference. Although there is no way to know
> for sure until we test on-site.

Does >20 count?  Netstumbler shows 24 or more very often.  Dustin, contact
me off list and we can set up a time to get together.  I'm in the LES.

Hans Zaunere / President / New York PHP
  +1 212.213.1131  /  www.nyphp.com

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