On 1/8/06, Jim Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Billy Bob,
> Let's see, GDP keeps on clicking at 3-4 % growth pretty much every year...
> The same was true in 2005.  Inflation practically non-existent. Unemployment
> about as low as it's been ever in our history, Home ownership at an all time
> high.  State of the country is such that those who the U.S classifies as in
> poverty often own televisions, phones, cars, and get food every day! Compare
> that to some other countries.  We've removed one of the most evil dictators
> in history from power and in only 3 years that country, which has never
> known a democratic tradition, has easily made more progress than our own

You've convinced me.  Let get those commie bastards in China next!
Freedom is on the march! When are we invading China for their human
rights and U.N. violations?
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