When a topic like network neutrality begins to appear in places like the "Talk 
the Town" column of The New Yorker Magazine, then you know it's only a matter of
time before it hits the mainstream of public awareness. And that's not such a 

Begin article:


By James Surowiecki
march 13, 2006

"In the first decades of the twentieth CENTURY, as a national telephone network
spread across the United States, A.T. & T. adopted a policy of “tiered access”
for businesses. Companies that paid an extra fee got better service: their
customers’ calls went through immediately, were rarely disconnected, and sounded
crystal-clear. Those who didn’t pony up had a harder time making calls out, and
people calling them sometimes got an “all circuits busy” response. Over time,
customers gravitated toward the higher-tier companies and away from the ones 
were more difficult to reach. In effect, A.T. & T.’s policy turned it into a
corporate kingmaker.

"If you’ve never heard about this bit of business history, there’s a good 
it never happened. Instead, A.T. & T. had to abide by a “common carriage” rule:
it provided the same quality of service to all, and could not favor one customer
over another. But, while “tiered access” never influenced the spread of the
telephone network, it is becoming a major issue in the evolution of the 
Until recently, companies that provided Internet access followed a de-facto
commoncarriage rule, usually called “network neutrality,” which meant that all
Web sites got equal treatment. 

"Network neutrality was considered so fundamental to the success of the Net that
Michael Powell, when he was chairman of the F.C.C., described it as one of the
basic rules of “Internet freedom.” In the past few months, though, companies 
A.T. & T. and BellSouth have been trying to scuttle it. In the future, Web sites
that pay extra to providers could receive what BellSouth recently called 
treatment,” and those that don’t could end up in the slow lane. One day,
BellSouth customers may find that, say, NBC.com loads a lot faster than
YouTube.com, and that the sites BellSouth favors just seem to run more smoothly.
Tiered access will turn the providers into Internet gatekeepers."

Continued at:



Frank A. Coluccio
DTI Consulting Inc.
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