> Why after so many years of fighting to keep the Internet largely free of
> regulation and taxation are some lawmakers and Internet companies now
> advocating for increased regulation of the Internet? 

Oh this is so dapper.

You do Newspeak very well.

And when the Department of Commerce ran the AOL-TW through the ringer just on
this issue, and TW promised that they would not prevent equal access, then what 
was that?  

I hate people like you because you not only lie, but you don't give a damn about
who you hurt in the process.  So called net-neutrality has been an ongoing 
since the very beginnings of the internet.  Its been discussed in paper after 
hearing after hearing.  At NO TIME has the public ever tolerated any segment of 
Net to monopolize access to the internet in general.  The current legistlation
spounsored largely by Google represents the publics interest in preventing 
carriers from absuing their monopolistic position in the economy to harm the 

I just want to tell you that I take these issues very personally and do not 
forget people
who work to hurt and a real way me and my children.


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