There was a nycwirless presentation given two years ago on some
ways to secure connections. Mainly it describes how to
create ssh tunnels, but has other information as well.
PDF of the slides are at

> From: Ronen Isaac
> I am new to this list so excuse me if this is inappropriate but, since we are
on the topic of security.  Can anyone suggest a best practice for securing ptp a
nd ptmp bridge links?  Many vendors claim that their proprietary software is all
 the security you need but is that true?  I know that WEP is pretty much worthle
ss these days so I am looking for something stronger and rather simple to set up
, if it exists.
> What do you think?  Again, my apologies again if this is inappropriate :)
> Thanks!
> Kind Regards,
> Ronen Isaac
> AOL IM: ccro02
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