Nothing unusual to report, but a great day to spend a couple hours at
Jamaica Bay NWR, with a steady, soft breeze carrying away insects and
humidity.  Waders were excellent:  Both Night Herons, occasionally side by
side, both the Blue Herons, Snowy and Great Egrets, plus ample Glossy
Ibises.  Least, Common and Forster's Terns.  A Clapper Rail.

Shorebirds were abundant, but not so diverse: Oystercatcher, both Yellowlegs
(like the Night Herons, often side by side), lots of SB Dows and
Semipalmated Sandpipers.  Another birder had a single Western and a few
Stilt Sandpipers at the East Pond.

A few behavioral notes:

Glossy Ibis doesn't bother to retract the landing gear on short flights,
leaving their long legs perpendicular to the ground.  I'd never observed
this before.  Comical.

Forster's Tern preening in flight, adjusting flight, flight covert, and back
feathers.  When it was working its back, with the bill aimed straight
towards the tail, it presented an odd, headless appearance for seconds at a

Many resting Yellowlegs, with their legs tucked under, parked on a sandy
spit in the pond.  One Greater spent about 15 minutes in a kneeling posture
with its long legs bent forward at the knee with the thighs erect, rotating
its feet -- apologies to younger readers, but it reminded me of Lily
Tomlin's "little girl in the big chair" on Laugh In, and I couldn't resist a
drawn out, German-accented "Verrrrry interesting!" as I observed it with
binoculars through the foliage.

Bird well,


Paul Dubuc,
Pearl River, NY for the moment
Dayton, OH for the duration
at sign beween pauldubuc and gmail dot com

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