This is a summary of the Birdline reports for the week ending July 29.

Report your sightings in the Hudson-Mohawk Region (NYSOA region 8) to

Sixty-five species were reported this week.

The Mississippi Kite(s) are still being seen at Ames, Town of Root, Montgomery County, but fewer birders are making the pilgrimage. The annual post-breeding influx of Great Egrets is well under way.

Great Egret: Colonie 7/23 (5); Rip Van Winkle Bridge 7/23; Cohoes Flats 7/25; Coxsackie Boat Launch 7/25.


Osprey: Ramshorn Creek 7/23; Ferry Drive 7/25.

Bald Eagle: Coxsackie Boat Launch 7/25.

RED-SHOULDERED HAWK: Stillwater* 7/24.

American Kestrel: Ames 7/26 (6); Coxsackie Grasslands 7/26 (3), 7/27.

Least Sandpiper: Vischer Ferry Power Plant 7/25 (2).

BONAPARTE'S GULL: Cohoes Flats 7/25.

Barred Owl: Stillwater* 7/24 (2).

Belted Kingfisher: Anthony Kill** 7/23.

Northern Flicker: Anthony Kill** 7/23 (3).

Alder Flycatcher: Queensbury 7/26.

Willow Flycatcher: Anthony Kill** 7/23 (2).

Great Crested Flycatcher: Queensbury 7/26 (4); South Glens Falls 7/26.

Yellow-throated Vireo: Coxsackie Grasslands 7/26.

Brown Creeper: Stillwater* 7/24.

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher: Anthony Kill** 7/23 (2).

Wood Thrush: Stillwater* 7/24; Coxsackie Grasslands 7/26.

Cedar Waxwing: (6 reports)

Chestnut-sided Warbler: ); Coxsackie Grasslands 7/26.

Ovenbird: Providence 7/26; Coxsackie Grasslands 7/27.

Scarlet Tanager: Stillwater* 7/24.

Swamp Sparrow: Coxsackie Grasslands 7/27 (4).

Indigo Bunting: Saratoga Battlefield 7/23.

Eastern Meadowlark: Coxsackie Grasslands 7/27.

Purple Finch: Stillwater* 7/24 (2)

* Near Saratoga Lake.

** Border of Stillwater and Halfmoon.

Thanks to Phil Whitney (compiler), Susan Beaudoin (Saratoga Battleflield, Anthony Kill, Stillwater), Nancy Castillo (Providence), L. Duval (Queensbury, S. Glens Falls), Larry Federman (Rip Van Winkle Bridge), Rich Guthrie (Coxsackie Grasslands, Coxsackie Boat Launch), John Hershey (Vischer Ferry Power Plant, Ferry Drive, Colonie, Cohoes Flats), Will Raup (Albany), and Chris Spagnoli (Ames).

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