This is a summary of the Birdline reports for the week ending September 16

Report your sightings in the Hudson-Mohawk Region (NYSOA region 8) to

Ninety-eight species were reported this week.  Here are the highlights.

Mute Swan: 4-Mile Point/Vosburgh Marsh 9/12 (5).

Great Egret: Coxsackie Grasslands 9/11, 9/12, 9/14, 9/15; Vischer Ferry 9/14 (3).

Osprey: Saratoga Battlefield 9/10; Brunswick 9/10; Helderberg hawkwatch 9/15

Bald Eagle: Waterford 9/12; 4-Mile Point/Vosburgh Marsh 9/12 (2); Five Rivers 9/12; New Baltimore 9/14 (3); Niskayuna 9/14 (2).

Northern Harrier: Saratoga Battlefield 9/10; Coxsackie Grasslands 9/11.

RED-SHOULDERED HAWK: 4-Mile Point/Vosburgh Marsh 9/12.

Broad-winged Hawk: Saratoga Battlefield 9/10; Vischer Ferry 9/14 (2); Helderberg hawkwatch 9/15 (246).

American Kestrel: Coxsackie Grasslands 9/12; Helderberg hawkwatch 9/15 (6).

MERLIN: Holt Preserve 9/13.

Peregrine Falcon: Coxsackie Grasslands 9/11, 9/12.

Virginia Rail: Coxsackie Grasslands 9/12.

SEMIPALMATED PLOVER: Coxsackie Grasslands 9/12.

Greater Yellowlegs: Coxsackie Grasslands 9/11, 9/12.

Lesser Yellowlegs: Coxsackie Grasslands 9/11 (4), 9/12 (3), 9/14 (2), 9/15.

American Woodcock: Meadowdale 9/9.

Black-billed Cuckoo: Helderberg hawkwatch 9/15

Great Horned Owl: Meadowdale 9/9.

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker: Petersburgh 9/14.

Warbling Vireo: Coxsackie Grasslands 9/11.

PHILADELPHIA VIREO: Five Rivers 9/12; Vischer Ferry 9/14; Petersburgh 9/14.

Common Raven: Saratoga Battlefield 9/10; Coxsackie Grasslands 9/11 (2); Holt Preserve 9/13 (2).

CLIFF SWALLOW: Coxsackie Grasslands 9/11.

Brown Creeper: Saratoga Battlefield 9/10; Petersburgh 9/14.

Carolina Wren: Niskayuna 9/11; Five Rivers 9/12; Schenectady 9/13.

Marsh Wren: Coxsackie Grasslands 9/12.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet: Five Rivers 9/12.

SWAINSON'S THRUSH: New Salem 9/14; Petersburgh 9/14.

Brown Thrasher: Five Rivers 9/10, 9/12.

Nashville Warbler: Vischer Ferry 9/14.

Chestnut-sided Warbler: Guilderland 9/11.

Magnolia Warbler: Saratoga Battlefield 9/10; Five Rivers 9/12 (2); Coxsackie Riverside Cemetery 9/16.

CAPE MAY WARBLER: Coxsackie Riverside Cemetery 9/16.

Black-throated Blue Warbler: Saratoga Battlefield 9/10; Petersburgh 9/14.

Black-throated Green Warbler: : Five Rivers 9/12 (3); Petersburgh 9/14; Coxsackie Grasslands 9/16.

Ovenbird: Saratoga Battlefield 9/10; Coxsackie Grasslands 9/14.

Scarlet Tanager: Saratoga Battlefield 9/10; Coxsackie Grasslands 9/11, 9/16.

Savannah Sparrow: Coxsackie Grasslands 9/11 (3), 9/12 (4), 9/14 (2), 9/15.

LINCOLN'S SPARROW: Coxsackie Grasslands 9/12 (2), 9/16 (2).

White-throated Sparrow: Providence 9/11; Coxsackie Grasslands 9/14, 9/16.

Purple Finch: Petersburgh 9/14.

Thanks to Phil Whitney (compiler), Larry Alden (Meadowdale), Dave Baim (New Salem), Hope Batcheller (Petersburgh), Nancy Castillo (Providence), Rich Guthrie (Coxsackie Grasslands, 4-Mile Point/Vosburgh Marsh, Coxsackie Riverside Cemetery), John Hershey (Vischer Ferry), Bill Lee (Helderberg hawkwatch, Niskayuna), Neil Manning (Waterford), Steve Mesick (Five Rivers 9/10), Bob Ramonowski (Scotia), Will Raup (Holt Preserve), Alan Schroeder (Guilderland), Brad Walker (Brunswick), and Anonymous (Niskayuna). Saratoga Battlefield sightings are from the Thursday group led by Bill Lee.


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