European Golden-Plover (photographed) in Delaware: Monday, 14 September. 2009 -

An excellent note on the Delaware Birds list-serve, earlier - this is an interesting occurrence away from where it more often has been found as an "accidental" or "stray" (if those terms do in fact apply to the species in all of its range of occurrence in North America) in the Canadian Maritime provinces, Newfoundland in particular - & mostly in spring migration rather than fall, there. It is apparently very rare anywhere in the U.S.A. - indeed the first "lower 48 states" record is said to have been in Maine USA just about 11 months ago, and there may be only a single previous accepted (Alaska) USA record before that Maine USA occurrence. "European Golden-Plover Pluvialis apricaria is an interesting species in that it occasionally shows in the ABA Area in large numbers, 350 during spring 1988 (AB 42:408) and 205 birds during spring 1994" (Field Notes 48:270). "Most records are from Newfoundland from mid-April to mid-May following storms producing strong northeasterly winds" (ABA Checklist, Seventh Edition). "Although the majority of records come from Newfoundland, there is an Alaska record from Ketchican in January 2001" (NAB 55:213) "and a record from Nova Scotia, plus the species is reported annually in Greenland, the largest island in the world and the most northeastern part of North America, but somehow not included in the ABA Area." (National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Fifth Edition).

"Often debated taxonomically, two subspecies of European Golden- Plover are currently recognized. P. atifrons breeds in humid moss, hummock tundra, open bogs in forest tundra, and alpine tundra, whereas the nominate apricaria breeds on highland heath and peatlands. Up until the 1950s, 80,000 of these plovers were harvested annually in the Netherlands, and they may still be harvested on French wintering ground." (Handbook of Birds of the World, Volume 3 - [Lynx Ediciones, publisher - with multiple authors/ illustrators/photographers in the not-yet-complete series]). birds&T=0&O=D&P=10442

Tom Fiore,
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Subject: European Golden-Plover photo by Anthony Gonzon
From: Jeffrey Gordon <jeffgyr AT MAC.COM>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 15:07:49 -0400

Hi all--

Running out the door here, as you might expect. Anthony Gonzon has kindly granted me permission to post one of his photos of the European Golden-Plover from this morning.

I forwarded the photo to Michael O'Brien, who responded, " No question about this one! Clearly a European GP."

Nice work, Andy Urquhart, in finding and identifying this bird!

Good birding,

Jeffrey Gordon
Lewes, DE
Blog/web site:  Jeffrey A. Gordon

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