If the Northern Wheatear that's been in Stratford, Connecticut's Sikorsky Airport since at least 5 September (& a bit belatedly reported there for Monday, 14 Sept.) stays on thru this coming weekend, it will be extremely unusual, in that by then a much more obvious cold front is due to move through. I'm reasonably sure it's already a highly unusual record for the length of it's visit. (Wheatear wintering in CT - unheard of!) - hope it's ok. The late report for Monday, at Stratford was on the CT Birds list - http:// birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CTBD.html#1252985289

Back in New York (city) a fairly good overnight migrant flight took place Sunday night-Monday a.m. as could be seen by a bit of reverse "morning flight" at first light in Central Park, as well as some good reports of migrants at Prospect Park (Brooklyn, NYC) & elsewhere around the city on Monday. In Dutchess County (eastern NY) a report of a banded Connecticut Warbler is of interest. http:// groups.yahoo.com/group/hmbirds/message/8403

The Broad-winged Hawk migration is fully underway in New England and at least eastern NY, with counts of 1,000+ per day at some New England sites over the last 2 days, and likely more to come soon, weather permitting.

good birds,

Tom Fiore,

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