The Queens County Bird Club Inc. will be meeting at the Alley pond Environmental Center on Wednesday  October 21st at 8pm.

PROGRAM:   SHOREBIRDS by Lloyd Spitalnik

Lloyd Spitalnik is well known in NYC birding circles, and beyond.  Birding for more than 25 years, he runs Metro Birding Briefs, an email service that gets the word out on “rare” birds in our area. He is also an accomplished photographer, with photos featured in numerous magazines and calendars, and one of the two featured photographers at the recent Newark Museum exhibit Skies Alive.  Lloyd has been running, along with Don Riepe and Kevin Karlson, the August Jamaica Bay Shorebird Festival.  He also leads photo tours in the area.  You can see Lloyd’s photographs at

Non members and guests are invited to join us for our meetings featuring noted guest speakers and to join us on our renowned field trips. 
QCBC is a tax exempt, charitable organization {501c3}.
Trips and Meetings are free!     Please consider joining or making a contribution if you attend or participate.

Please check our website for more information

Arie Gilbert
President: Queens County Bird Club Inc.

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