I went looking yesterday, 01/04/10 between 11:00 am and 1:00 p.m. with  
no luck, but was treated to a 2cd winter Iceland Gull.

Anne Purcell
Staten Island, NY
On Jan 5, 2010, at 4:35 PM, Jason Pietrzak wrote:

> I also made an attempt on the Mew today, and also turned up empty. I  
> went to Gravesend around 10-1130 testing out the high tide theory. I  
> missed the Purple Sandpipers but got the Common Goldeneye (and maybe  
> saw a small flock in the distance), a lone Bonaparte's Gull, a lone  
> Greater Scaup and a couple other lone birds.
> Good birding,
> Jason Pietrzak
> Bayville, NY
> On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 3:30 PM, icterus <icte...@optonline.net> wrote:
> 5 Jan
> Joe Giunta, Sam Jannazzo, Debbie Martin and I (SY Schiff) went  
> looking for the Mew Gull without success.  Our consolation birds  
> wwere Purple Sandpipers on the rocks and Common Goldeneye on the  
> water.
> Moving toward home, we stopped at the entrance to Kingsboro  
> Community College for the Monk Parakeets and then moved on to Spring  
> Creek. There we saw  Cooper's and Red-tailed Hawks plus 2 circling  
> Killder. On the side opposite the shopping center and outlet of the  
> waste treatment plant (which keeps the water open) we saw a good   
> variety of ducks including several Canvasbacks, a Kingfisher and a  
> Black-crowned Night-Heron
> Cold, but good birding,        SY


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