In the recent past, a post to this NYSbirds regarding Avisys birding software was made.

In response to John Askildson’s comments, I offered, and subsequently tried to help him with Avisys. Additionally, I received other contact regarding the same software for which I offered advice.

EXACTLY AS PREDICTED in my original message to this list, the problems and frustrations WERE NOT DUE to the software, nor indeed the tech support.

In each case it was due to a lack of BASIC, sometimes VERY BASIC computer knowledge; this means that the difficulties would have occurred with these individuals REGARDLESS of the software, and were in fact INDEPENDENT of the software.

If you are in the market for birding software, do yourself a favor and make sure you actually know how to use a computer first. Using a computer at work where an IT department does things behind the scenes for you, can leave you with a false sense of ability.

If you do not - you too are likely to become frustrated and make disparaging remarks against which ever software you choose.

There are many fine software products out there. Which ever you decide is right for you should not be influenced by the comments of persons whose frustrations would more appropriately be focused upon themselves.

Arie Gilbert
No. Babylon, NY


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