From Alex Burdo and James Orrico:

We just want to thank everyone who responded to my post yesterday. We couldn't have done it without you!

Although the North End is pretty much non-acessable, we got terrific looks at the WILSON'S PHALAROPE from the end of the trail through the Phragmites, off North Dike Rd. I noticed the bird almost immediately when the pond came into view and it remained very close to the end of the trail for the whole time we watched it. We were able to observe the bird "spinning" as well as preening.

Later, we viewed the AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN from "The Raunt" accessed from the trail at the South End off Cross Bay Blvd. Although far off, the bird remained in view through the scope the entire time we watched it.

Other shorebird highlights have been previously posted. Semipalmated Sandpipers dominated the scene for small peeps with over 2,000 seen. We also noted 2 juvenile Least Sandpipers. There were also many large flocks of Short-billed Dowitchers (another birder had a Long-billed) and groups of foraging Stilt Sandpipers and Lesser Yellowlegs. We also saw Semipalmated Plovers every so often, who are getting more common and conspicuous.

Other non shorebird highlights included both Night-Herons, many Forster's Terns including begging juveniles, a few calling Willow Flys and great looks at a female Gadwall with ducklings.

It was a great day to be out there!!!

(I'll post some shots of the American White Pelican and the Wilson's Phalarope soon:

-Alex Burdo
Fairfield, CT


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