Sunday, 12 September, 2010  -  Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

In what has this year become a somewhat familiar scenario, birds seen the day before were mainly missing this day, seemingly having moved on already, although the weather conditions may not have helped a lot in the search. It actually didn't start raining for real until mid- afternoon but I had given up the search well before that time... Rather than the 27 species of warblers found yesterday, I struggled to come up with a dozen albeit in a much shorter outing this morning. A decent showing of Swainson's Thrush possibly including some new arrivals added to some lingering, and a few more ducks turned up at the reservoir (but I didn't find Saturday's hen BW Teal anywhere). The south end of the park near The Pond was about as active as any other areas I looked at on Sunday - it has a fairly extensive patch of good habitat for songbirds however the Hallett Sanctuary is fenced off and thus not all possible to view; some views are possible with strong optics from west & south sides of The Pond.

Other birders in other NYC city locations also report dramatic decreases in variety & numbers of migrants Sunday, compared with Saturday.

It looks like we might see more new migrants arriving as early as this Tuesday & Wednesday in the entire region.

Good birding; think and act peacefully.

Tom Fiore,


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