September 13.  Jones Beach and Robert Moses SP

Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff), joined while at Jones West End by Pat Jones, went 
birding for land birds without any success. But first we stopped to look on the 
bar at the Coast Guard Station at low tide. Here there were several hundred 
each of American Oystercatcher and Black Skimmer, lots of Black-bellied Plover, 
Semipalmated Plover, Red Knot, Short-billed Dowitcher and a lesser assortment 
of other species. Among several dozen mostly "Western" Willet was a single 

After unsuccessful land birding we went to the swale. As we walked down the 
path we came across three peep, a Least, a Semipalmated and a BAIRD'S 
SANDPIPER. Nice comparison as they were mostly within the same field 
simultaneously. We later found a WESTERN SANDPIPER in the other shorebirds 
there. Raptors at the spot were Osprey, Northern Harrier, Peregrine Falcon and 
Merlin. Back at the cars an immature BALD EAGLE flew over going east.
We saw additional Osprey and a Sharp-shinned Hawk as we drove out to Robert 
Moses SP. Parking field #5, had two adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULLS with an 
additional one on parking lot #2, three adults, all dark, pretty with bright 
yellow legs.

At the hawkwatch, it was slow and a bit of rain. Looking toward the ocean, the 
gulls were chasing the terns including a single ROYAL TERN. Gannets were 
feeding over the open water.



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